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Piven Theatre Workshop marks 45 years stage arts training

The Event: Piven Theatre Workshop celebrated 45 years with star-filled evening at Revel Fulton Market in Chicago on May 6. Some 315 alumni and notable guests from Hollywood, Broadway and across Chicago came together for the 45th anniversary festivities and to honor founder Joyce Piven.

Cause célèbre: Piven, who has been a force in Chicago's theater community and has a reach all the way to Tinseltown, had strong words for those who threaten current artistic environment, with its funding on the chopping block at the state and federal levels.

"This vision we have held together is a powerful thing in these shifting times when money for the arts is drying up. We artists are a threat to a closed society," said Piven. Many of her now-famous, former students, including children, Jeremy and Shira Piven, Ed Asner, Paul Adelstein, Aidan Quinn, Ann Cusack, Harry Lennix and others, applauded.

Anna Clark of Glenview, board member for 10 years stressed that the Piven Theatre Workshop, created as an after-school activity by Joyce and husband Byrne Piven, strives to equip individuals with the skills to be successful in life.

"A lot of people will say 'I have children but I don't have a theater kid,'" said Clark. "It's actually the engineers, the mathletes and the science fair kids who benefit the most from Piven because their technical skills will get them a job, but the skills they learn at Piven will help get them a career and help launch them long term."

Still located in Evanston, the Piven now supports a strong community outreach that includes the Cook County Jail for Women and Off the Street Club. Piven still provides scholarships for numerous students of all ages.

"This is our defense, our resistance and my little joke for world peace: Art, community — one workshop at a time," said Piven.

Bottom Line: The gala raised $250,000. More at www.piventheatre.org.