With the accession to the throne of King Edward VII, Victorian morals gave way to Edwardian excesses, where an indiscretion of dress or etiquette took on far greater importance than adultery. It wasn't immoral or indecent to commit adultery then, only foolish and irresponsible if one got nothing for it. The King’s mistress, Mrs. Alice Keppel, intended to get something for it and her eyes were on the biggest prize in England: The Throne.Alice’s eldest daughter, Violet, didn’t see any hypocrisy in such a life. Her mother’s life appeared to her instead full of passion and mystery and her dearest wish was to squeeze as much romance into her own life. She shared this secret wish with her best friend, Vita Sackville-West.Violet and Vita’s scandalous affair took them from London, where Vita cross-dressed as a man, to Paris where they blended in with the Bohemian set and, finally, to Monte Carlo to gamble at winning their freedom. What ensued is one of the most daring, real-life international flights by two lovers in modern history: Vita and Violet, with husbands in hot pursuit, fleeing across the seas towards a dramatic finale.Their story fades just as a third Keppel woman steps up to take her rightful place in this long family lineage of mistresses: Camilla Parker Bowles, great granddaughter of Alice and grand niece to Violet. Thus, the legacy of great loves and inescapable family traits is revealed and immortalized, humanizing the exalted and elevating the masses to the universal understanding of the one great love: The Last Fire.
Honor among thieves? Don’t count on it.
Dirty Cash is an action-packed script that pays homage to the hard-boiled, cynical tones of Film Noir’s thematic content where flaws of character combine with destiny, and two-bit thieves cross paths with femme fatales to turn innocent men into victims of fate. Infused with the proper doses of obsession, alienation, lust and loneliness, each character knows beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are constantly one step short of their final. In Dirty Cash this is a lethal combination as bad luck and personality flaws bring about the destruction of a band of Jacks-of-no-trade and foil irretrievably what would have been the perfect crime.